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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Share of the Ural Federal district in total agricultural production

B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

I.P. Chupina, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor,

YA.V. Voronina, starshiy prepodavatel,

YU.N. Chupin, aspirant, UrGAU. 

The development of agriculture of the Ural Federal district in the framework of the inno-vative scenario is based on a significant strengthening of innovative factors that should cover in a systematic form all areas of agriculture, including innovations of selection and genetic, produc-tion and technological, organizational, managerial and environmental nature. As a result, food produced in the district becomes competitive by increasing the technological and organizational level of production in agriculture and processing industries. Reindeer husbandry has considera-ble potential, and its development can be supported by growing demand in the domestic and for-eign markets. Good prospects in the Central part of the district has fish farming (including breed-ing of valuable fish species), for the development of which there are favorable conditions in the basin of the Ob river and on numerous lakes of the West Siberian plain. The innovative option of agricultural development implies a qualitatively new technolog-ical level of production, stimulated by the large-scale attraction of investment funds to the indus-try, the weakening of infrastructure restrictions, the formation of new markets and the improve-ment of the living standards of the rural population. This option is characterized by a gradual transition from extensive technologies used in agricultural production to high-intensity technolo-gies. To modernize agricultural production, the main efforts will be aimed at intensive techno-logical renewal of the industry and the creation of new high-tech industries, which will be facili-tated by the use of effective mechanisms of public-private partnership.

1. Donnik I. M., Voronin B. A., Loretts O. G. Nauchno – prakticheskaya deyatelnost Uralskogo GAU po obespecheniyu prodovolstvennoy bezopasnosti Sverdlovskoy oblasti / V sbornike: Rol nauchnoy i innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti agrarnyh vuzov v reshenii vo-prosov prodovolstvennoy bezopasnosti gosudarstva // Materialy Vserossiyskogo semi-nara - soveschaniya prorektorov po nauchnoy rabote vuzov Minselhoza Rossii. 2016. S. 40-43.
2. Kuznetsova O., Shestakova M., Shehovtsov A. Federalnye okruga Rossii: sotsi-alno-ekonomicheskoe razvitie v 1996-1999 gg.// Voprosy ekonomiki, 2015, # 10. S.14.
3. Pozdnyakov A., Lavrovskiy B., Masakov V. Politika regionalnogo vyravnivaniya v Rossii // Voprosy ekonomiki. 2013. # 10. S.25 – 29.
4. Eldieva T. M. Takticheskaya podsistema agrarnoy politiki regionov v usloviyah reglamenta VTO // Ekonomika selskohozyaystvennyh i pererabatyvayuschih predpriyatiy. 2014. # 7. S. 47–51.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

+7 (343) 221-40-12 - accounting
