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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Competitions of Professional Skills in the System of Training Specialists of the Agro-Industrial Complex

УДК 37 (371.3)


Olga Chechenikhina – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Ural state agrarian University. 620075, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Karla Libkhneta str., 42. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The tasks of the state policy of our country include increasing competitiveness, strengthening the status and ensuring the availability of domestic education. At the same time, the intensification and modernization of agricultural organizations places increasing demands on the training and retraining of professional personnel for the agro-industrial complex. Competitions of professional skills of various levels, including in the professions of the agro-industrial competition, contribute to ensuring these requirements. The purpose was to describe the competitions of professional skills in the system of training specialists of the agro-industrial complex. The main results are that, as a rule, professional skill contests are held in various organizational forms - Olympiads, contests, championships and so on. One of the main ones is the Federal project "Young Professionals", which is implemented by the Union "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)". In addition, the AgroSkills movement has been created in Russia, which is an industry championship of professional skills in the field of agriculture according to WorldSkills standards. The competitive and business programs of the AgroSkills Championship are held with the mandatory participation of employers and international qualification experts with an active discussion of professional standards in the field of agriculture, which definitely brings high results. Conclusion - contests of professional skills develop the professional competencies of students of agricultural specialties, allow them to increase the quality characteristics of young specialists, enable graduates to evaluate their professional activities, eliminate problematic moments, allow teachers to improve the educational process.

Keywords: professional competencies, professional skills competition, WorldSkills movement, employers, agro-industrial specialists

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