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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Russian pig breeding: basic market parameters and trends in the development

Kostenko O.V., kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, dotsent,

Vasenina E.N., magistrant,

Vyatskaya gosudarstvennaya selskohozyaystvennaya akademiya. 

The article presents analysis of the main parameters and trends in the development of pig breeding. Russia steadily takes the fifth place in terms of pork production in the world. The industry is still mainly focused on domestic demand. The share of pig farming in the meat balance of the country is consistently 33-34%. By 2017, Russia has restored pre-reform pork production. This was due to government support, as well as Russian retaliatory sanctions (restrictions on the importation of food into the country). Restoration of the industry went on an intensive type, due to the growth of animal productivity. At the same time, there were serious structural changes by the types of farms. At present, the bulk of production is carried out in large industrial-type pig farms. The share of households decreased several times. The domestic market is almost entirely provided by its own production. There has been a tendency to increase imports of pig products. A number of large agro-industrial holdings of Russia have interest to enter the foreign markets of China, Japan and other countries. Pig-breeding facilities are concentrated in the Central Federal District almost half. Belgorod Region is the undisputed leader in the pig-breeding industry. In the country as a whole, the majority of pig production (73% in 2017) is produced by regions with a high concentration of livestock in agricultural organizations (more than 80%).

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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