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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Phenological features fenugreek greek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L.)

A. V. Abramchuk, k. b. n., dotsent;

Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet. 

Fenugreek-the oldest medicinal plant, included in the Pharmacopoeia of many European countries. In Greece, Egypt, India - this plant is called "Shambala". It has long been used in medical practice, preparations from fenugreek seeds are widely used in the treatment of many diseases: enhance metabolism, have anabolic, sedative effect; enhance the protective properties of the body, strengthen the nervous system, normalize blood pressure, tone the heart muscle. Research on the topic: "Phenological features of fenugreek Greek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L." was conducted in the experimental farm "Uralets", on the collection site of medicinal plants Ur GAU, located in Beloyarsk district, Sverdlovsk region. The aim of the study is to study the phenological features of fenugreek Greek in natural and climatic conditions of The middle Urals. Sowing of seeds was carried out in the open ground, in early may. Sowing depth 2.0-3.0 cm; after emergence thinning was carried out, so that the distance in a row between the plants was 10 cm, row spacing – 35 cm; planting density 30 plants/m2. Three options are included in the scheme of experience: 1. pitch. – grade Gourmet (taken as control); 2. pitch. – "Shambala"; 3.pitch. - "Helba". In the second and third versions of "Shambala" and "Helba", respectively - fenugreek population from Egypt. It was found that all phenological phases of fenugreek "Helba" occurred much earlier, the period from the germination phase to the phase of mass fruiting was 98 days, whereas fenugreek "Shambala" - 109, and fenugreek variety Gourmet – 113 days.

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13. Fernandez-Aparicio, M. Control of Orobanchecrenata in legumes intercropped with fenugreek (Trigonellafoenumgraecum L.) / M. Fernandez-Aparicio, A. A. Emeran, A. Rubiales// AGRICOLA. Crop protection. – 2008. – Mar.-May. – Vol. 27 (3-5). – R.653-659.
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