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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Influence of propant (ceramic granules) on the agro-physical properties of soils of a heavy-load granulometric composition

Baykin YU.L., kandidat selskohozyaystvennyh nauk, dotsent kafedry himii, pochvovedeniya i agroekologii,

Cerebrennikova A.A., magistrant, Uralskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet

The article is devoted to the problem of the use of environmentally friendly industrial waste to regulate the agrophysical properties of soils and improve their fertility. The results of laboratory studies on the effect of proppant (ceramic granules) used in oil production by hydraulic fracturing on the agrophysical properties of soils of heavy granulometric composition are presented. The studies studied substandard proppant is an industrial waste. It is assumed that on soils of heavy granulometric composition, the introduction of proppants will play a loosening role, providing more favorable conditions for plants to grow. The influence of different doses of proppant (5% and 10% of the soil mass, which is, respectively, 150 and 300T/ha) on the General physical and water properties of heavy loamy soils of different taxonomic levels: black ash, dark gray and gray forest. The introduction of proppant changes the ratio of skeletal and fine-grained fraction in the soil, increasing the skeletal part, because. 83% of proppant granules have sizes from 1 to 3mm, which belong to the gravel fraction of the soil skeleton. It is shown that the change in the General physical properties of the studied soils under the influence of proppant was natural. Its introduction into the soil contributed to the change in the General physical properties of soils, bringing their performance to proppants. Moreover, this was manifested to a greater extent with an increased dose of proppant. The introduction of proppant reduces the value of capillary water capacity in all soils, due to the lack of intra-porosity in proppant. However, a decrease in the capillary moisture capacity in variants with proppant may not indicate a corresponding decrease in the amount of available moisture. Indicators characterizing the processes of movement of moisture in the soil (water permeability and water lifting capacity), changed slightly or within optimal values. Thus, it is shown that proppant affects the agrophysical indicators of soils, but the criterion for assessing these changes can only be the size and quality of the crop.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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