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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Development of elements of adaptive technology of industrial seed production of a new competitive variety of Alaska potatoes in the Middle Urals

УДК 635.21:631.543.2/.559 


Mikhail Karpukhin, 

Tatyana Chapalda, 

Valentina Chulkova

Studies were carried out in the Beloyarsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region on the basis of black soil, podzolized, heavily carbonaceous. The purpose of the experiment is to study the influence of the feeding area and the size of the planting tuber on the yield and quality of potato tubers of the mid-season variety Alaska. The yield of potato tubers varied from 28,99 t/ha to 47,95 t/ha, depending on the variant. The largest number of tubers of the seed fraction was obtained when potatoes were planted according to the scheme of 25 x 75 cm with tubers weighing 50-80 grams and amounted to 3,55 pieces/bush, with an average weight of 660,35 g/nest. The yield was 36,32 t/ha. The highest yield was obtained when using a seed fraction of 50-80 grams with a planting scheme of 20 x 75 cm - however, the average yield of the fraction of 50-80 grams falls to - 2,55 pcs/bush with an average weight from the nest - 737,6 grams. The work was carried out as part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Scientific and Technical Project "Selection and Seed Production of New Domestic Varieties of Potatoes of the Ural Selection for Various Purposes".

Keywords: potatoes, yield, yield structure, planting pattern, mass of planting potatoes, seed material, Middle Urals.

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