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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Determinants of Illegal Hunting

УДК 343


M.A. Khomyakova

This article discusses the importance of countering illegal hunting as a crime, dangerous both for individual citizens and organizations, and for the whole country as a whole. To combat crime, it is proposed to level its causes. The article identifies the main causes of illegal hunting. The author identifies special criminological causes of illegal hunting: weak legal protection of law enforcement activities in the field of illegal hunting; corruption component of illegal hunting, as well as social causes of illegal hunting: legal nihilism of the population; low standard of living. Ways to counteract each of these causes are proposed. The author concludes that the elimination of the causes of illegal hunting will lead to a decrease in the growth of such crime.

Keywords: illegal hunting; legal nihilism; environmental law; criminal law; constitutional values; animals; wildlife 

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