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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


A.I. Latysheva, kand. ek. nauk, dotsent,

N.A. Loskutnikova, glavnyy spetsialist-ekspert otdela statistiki naseleniya i zdravoohraneniya,

A.A. Ozhgibesova, inspektor po voprosam migratsii.

The economic development of the region largely depends on the territorial organization of the population. The authors note that the growth of food markets will be determined by the number of buyers living in the area. The article focuses on the correct pricing policy, which largely affects the improvement of living standards, the creation of a comfortable living environment, and thus forms a qualitative structure of the population. The analysis of migration processes and correlation between periods of hunger and dynamics of prices for bread is made. The specificity and distinctive features of migration of the Perm region are reflected in the article. A special feature is the negative migration, the socalled" Western drift", which has been observed for a long time. It is proposed to form a positive balance of migration through interaction on food prices. The possibility of development of regional food markets by improving the standard of living of the population is comprehensively shown. The conclusions note that this proposal fully meets the criteria of regional welfare growth, ensuring its successful socio-economic development.


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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