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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal



Петрова Ольга Григорьевна, доктор ветеринарных наук, профессор Барашкин Михаил Иванович, доктор ветеринарных наук, профессор Мильштейн Игорь Маркович, кандидат ветеринарных наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО «Уральский ГАУ» г. Екатеринбург, ул. Карла Либкнехта 42, Россия

Abstract. The decree Of the President of Russia "on national goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" of may 7, 2018 sets the task of transforming the priority sectors of the economy and social sphere, including agriculture, through the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions. According to the Ministry of agriculture of Russia, "the use of digital technologies in agriculture can improve the profitability of agricultural production by point cost optimization and more efficient allocation of funds. The introduction of the digital economy will reduce costs by at least 23% in the implementation of an integrated approach." At the same time, the amount of costs under the section "Agriculture, hunting and forestry", according to Rosstat in 2015 amounted to 4 billion rubles, which is 0.34% of all ICT investments in all sectors of the economy, in 2017, 0.85 billion rubles or 0.2 percent. This is the lowest rate by industry, indicating a low digitalization of the domestic agricultural sector, but this figure highlights that the industry has the greatest potential for investment . The volume of the market of information technologies in agriculture is developing rapidly. Digitalization in agriculture provides an opportunity to create complex automated production and logistics chains covering retail chains, wholesale trade companies, logistics, agricultural producers and their suppliers in a single process with adaptive management. In turn, the digitalization of commodity flows and production make it possible to systematically accumulate trade parties for the export of agricultural products. The program creates conditions for attracting private financing of the developed platforms and applications of agricultural producers, active involvement of services in agricultural consulting. The digital transformation scenario assumes a systematic, accelerated digitalization of agricultural production and integration with the digital economy programs. The program dictates the need for inclusive use of logistics transportation, promotion of domestic consumption, development of exports and the construction of platforms that provide end-to-end digital solutions for the formation of addedvalue and ensure the competitiveness of Russian business. The program is created to improve the productivity and efficiency of business of agricultural producers, to ensure the most effective mechanisms of public administration in terms of financial support, training of citizens, the final solution of food security issues, as well as improving the standard of living of the rural population. The scenario implies stepbystep development of digitalization of domestic agriculture in production cycles.

Key words: digitalization, animal husbandry, agroconsulting, agricultural production, financial support, technologies, genetic Fund of animal husbandry, intellectual systems.

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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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