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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Management of innovative activity of the organizations of agrarian and industrial complex in modern conditions

I.P. Chupina, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor UrGAU.

A.N. Mitin, doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo yuridicheskogo universiteta.

In modern conditions the priority of Russian organizations of agroindustrial complex is ensuring outstripping development, which is directly related to innovation activity of these organizations. This activity, in turn, requires the implementation of professional and adequate to modern conditions, management. However, in modern Russian organizations it is based, as a rule, on traditional tools and methods, in addition in ignoring the conditions of the modern trends in the organization development. At the same time innovation activity, its appreciably a revolutionary, innovative, pioneering nature is in contradiction with the traditional evolutionary character of perfection, which is based on the traditional management. It requires the use of modern tools and methods of management of innovative activity of organizations providing their innovative development. Feasibility of selection methods and technical and technological renewal depends on the situation, the nature of innovation, its compliance with the kind of the organization activity, resource and scientific-technical potential of the enterprise, the current market situation, the stages of the life cycle of equipment and technologies, features of industry sector. Further-more, Russian companies have a low management potential. So, some organizations, especially small and medium, unable to have special units or even individual specialists for the implementation of special functions (marketing, logistics, procurement, finance, human resources, marketing, etc.) and efficiently perform these functions. It makes difficult to individual, separate organizations, especially small, the implementation of innovation. This is a significant contradiction. Resolution of this is seen in the integration of innovative activity organizations. The best decision, according to the author, is to combine them into a regional branch union associative type.


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