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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal

Innovative career-oriented work as a factor of formation of human capital of agriculture

O.S. Gorbunova, starshiy prepodavatel,

S.V. Petryakova, starshiy prepodavatel,

M.V. Brazhnik, kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, dotsent UrGAU. 

Vocational guidance of children and youth is the priority area of work on formation of the human capital, including in agriculture. Choice of profession is an important step to lives of each person, his profession is some kind of destiny. And here the role of the teacher is very big. How he will manage to orient the pupils in the various world of professions, their destiny in many respects depends. The task of pedagogical staff of the educational organization consists in showing strong and weaknesses of this or that profession, her demand in labor market, to help the child to learn itself, to estimate the opportunities and prospects. And if on a threshold of a graduation class the young man accurately knows that he can and what it is capable of and also surely has decided on the choice of the future profession and where he should go to study, so the teacher has made the business well.


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